I was greeted by a dead cockroach in the bathroom as shown in the picture below.

I have heard others encountered rattle snakes and tarantulas down here already, I have been lucky thus far. I got a lot of shots on the Friday I got down here to include, typhoid, Anthrax, small pox, TB tine and a blood draw. I am proud to say that I did not pass out this time! I thought I hurt my chest from working out, but I have come to realize that my small pox inoculation has caused my lymph nodes to swell in my left armpit, I am relieved that I did not pull a muscle, but dam my arm is sore!! Here we are all lined up down the hall way getting our TB tine read:

I typically get up at 5am to go running when it is only about 65 degrees out. I am up to running 6 miles a day with my training buddy and room-dog Chris G. We are working on leaning up and getting acclimated to the heat, eventually we will make it to the gym here in a little while, actually we were lifting in the evening, but we have gotten too busy so we made running our priority. Chris and I decided we are going to train so that we can run Grandma’s and the TC Marathons when we get back in 2009.
My team supports over 500 soldiers that we take care of when it comes to computer issues and automation support, so I have been pretty busy these past weeks. Currently my days consist of getting individuals permission to log on to the Ft. Sill network, requesting additional automation support like copiers, faxes, scanners, thumbdrives, etc…In addition we have a classified network that select individuals have access to that I also support. I have a team of 6 right now that assist me. I will have one more arriving in the next few days. We finally are getting settled in. I have our help desk set-up where people come and submit requests for support. I also have my battle-board set up which tracks where my soldiers are, tells me where I need to be, any major projects for that day, what our training focus is for the day and other important information.
I did start reading my one year bible that mom gave me, with the idea when we are done reading it, I will be home…right now it is tough keeping up, but I am doing my best. Mom, how are you coming along?
Here is a picture of the momentous people gave me before I left:

The big ticket training is going to start here this coming week, like weapons qualification, Convoy live fire, Vehicle rollover drills and the like. All our leadership flew to Ft. Rucker for an Aviation Training Exercise (ATX) so I have been left back to pick up the slack. I am the acting XO, S3 and the actual S6 so my life will be interesting for the next 10 days. Later on as I continue to write I will describe what an XO or S3 or S6 is, if you can’t wait, you can always Google them.
One last thing, Lynyrd Skynyrd is coming here to play on July 4th, HooAH, maybe they will let me on stage to sing "Sweet Home Alabama" with them!?!?
That’s all for now, as always, enjoy the pictures.